5 Tips for staying on your meal plan


5 Tips for staying on your meal plan

I know that starting a meal plan is really scary, change is usually scary and making it through the first week can feel like a superhuman feet. I know I feel like I am going to take over the world on days one & two then I want to chew off my own hand on day three. Don’t act like you have never been there, I know you know. I wanted to share 5 tips for staying on your meal plan no matter what. These are things I have done to get success while doing my Beachbody programs. I learned them through trial and error and I want to help you too. Enjoy!

Pick the right plan for you.

18584ee414dc4bf6d9cdb639e7866938--country-heat-portion.jpgIf you are doing a Beachbody program their will be a meal plan included in your pack. These are designed by nutritionists to help you get the best results possible during your time on the program. All you will have to do is choose the correct calorie bracket. This means that you will have to do the calculations as it is laid out and do the plan that it tells you to do. These calorie brackets are laid out for a reason so I really recommend following the plan that it assigns you and not going off of what you think you should eat. After all, you are choosing to follow a meal plan for a reason so remember that and go after it full force.


Fail to plan or plan to fail.

This is true for life in general but also 100% true if you are eating off of a meal plan. When you are eating clean there are fewer options at restaurants that will fit your needs. and much more temptation.  This means that you will need to plan ahead for work and also if you are planning to go out. This does not mean that you cannot go out with friends or family and eat and drink but you have to PLAN it. Map out what your week looks like and look at how much food you will need. When I  prep I do it for 3-4 days at a time, that works for us. The food stays fresh and I do not get sick of anything then I can rotate in some new recipes for the next3-4 days. For us this keeps our flavor fatigue out of the equation and keeps the prep/ cook time minimal.



Change it up.

If you are someone who can eat the same thing everyday and feel great then eating on a

images-1.jpg meal plan will likely be perfect for you. If that works for you I recommend finding some of the recipes on the plan that you like and cooking a large quantit yty of it. If you need variety in your life be sure you make that work for you too. Eating on a meal plan does not have to be boring, you can make so many different delicious flavorful foods that will keep you engaged and keep you moving towards your goals. Google is your friend, use her.

Treat yourself sometimes.


In my opinion it is important to stick to the meal plan as prescribed for at least a the first week or two but after that if you need to have a little leeway for one meal it is ok. The important thing to remember is that you are on this meal plan to get results and that when you go off t

he rails it will likely hinder those results so do not go too crazy. If you want to eat a treat meal pick something healthy that will give you the satisfaction of tasting good and fulfilling your cravings. Split a dessert, do not eat a whole cake. Make it one meal and not a whole day. You get the point, be smart, choose wisely, and do not go crazy and get gluttonous. You will be surprised, as you eat clean your taste buds begin to change and you will begin to crave different foods as treats. So, the more time you give it before you give in to veering off of your plan the better off you will be. Also, don’t go for a treat on your rest day or Active Recovery day. Do it on a day you find challenging and do not make it your last meal of the day. Eat your treat right before or right after your workout.

Remember WHY you started.

Things will get crazy and feel out of control when you start a meal plan because it is different. You may be eating different kinds of foods than you are used to or eating less calories. This is totally normal. Your body may be a little stunned at first with the change but you will get through it if you stick to the plan and remember what you are doing this for. I recommend making a vision board that has pictures & words that keep you motivated. Put your WHY right in your face when things get tough, look it. Hang it in your kitchen or bathroom for the extra added motivation. The more that you focus on where you want to go and why you are going there the better your journey will be.



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